Parent Workshops
Choose from a list of our best-loved parent workshops or work with us to create an experience that is just right for your parent community. We provide in-home (great for parent groups and book clubs) or in-school (perfect for parent education or parent association gatherings) workshops.
Topics to Consider
Routines: Why They Matter
Building Connection with Your Young Child: The Cornerstone of Parenthood
Supporting Independence at Home: A Win/Win for Your Family
Parenting Young Children in the New Normal
Parenting Pitfalls: Setting Limits, Rethinking Rules & Trusting Your Gut
More Than ABC’s: How to Raise a Reader
Let's Start at the Beginning: The Foundations of Early Literacy
Educator Workshops
As veteran educators ourselves, we offer a wide range of topics to support your educational team right where they are. We offer interactive workshops, practical take-aways and in-the-moment problem solving that is unique to what we do at Work & Play. We know teachers and are committed to supporting them in what they do in meaningful, useful ways!
Workshop Topics
How to Foster and Sustain Positive Home/School Connections
Student Observations: How to Create Systems for Meaningful Observation in the Early Childhood Classroom
That’s My Child?: How to Share Information with Parents in a Constructive & Supportive Way
Supporting Mathematical Thinkers in the Early Childhood Classroom
Open-Ended Art in the Classroom: How to Foster it and When to Offer it
Workshop Offerings
Whether you're a parent or an educator, we have a workshop for your needs.
All workshops can be offered in-person or virtually.
Pricing structures vary based on your needs.
Reach out today to work with the Work & Play team to create a custom experience that speaks to your needs!